Sunday, February 24, 2008

Still here...

Just barely. It's been a sewing desert over here, but I managed to stumble upon an oasis today. Can't be on the computer too long, but I have finally started working on the jacket. I finished the muslin (minus one arm) and even though the fit is a little iffy, I figured it was okay because for the first time, I'll actually have a jacket with arms that are long enough! Okay. Enough talk. Here is a picture of the muslin, and then a picture of the tabs I'm going to put on the shoulders and sleeves. I haven't thought yet about what kind of buttons I'm going to use to fasten the tabs to the jacket, I guess I'll just figure that out later. I've got the rest of the jacket cut out, but it will have to wait till sometime during the week...


  1. Yeah! I'm glad you found your sewing oasis. I know how it feels when you don't have the motivation to start/finish something. Somehow the middle parts are always the easiest. I can't wait to see your jacket.
